Thursday, September 20, 2018

Make the most of technology in a dental practice

Look around and see how many people have their noses buried in their cellphones. Maybe you’re even reading this on your cellphone now. We’re deep in the age of technology, and people enjoy the convenience it provides. Through their cellphones, tablets, etc., patients are exposed to reviews about your future dental office, appointment reminders via email, information about treatment from Google – the list goes on. If your business isn’t taking advantage of the technological resources available to you, then it could suffer. Here are some ways technology can help you in practice.

Keep track of your patients with a computer database.

It wasn’t long ago that files for patients were buried among thousands of others, locked away in file cabinets. Now, with the use of computer databases and dental technology, it’s simple to store files and find them again at the patients’ next appointment. In most databases, you can even leave notes so that the doctor or dental team member is privy to any necessary information about the patient. As an added benefit, some computer databases and dental systems will allow you to check your patients’ files without being physically present in the office.

Connect multiple offices.

If you plan on having multiple offices, a computer database can be an even bigger benefit. Sometimes patients may switch from one location to another in your business’s umbrella. While the business and services offered may be the same, in the past, you would have had to find the patients’ files and send them to the other office. When you use a computer database, the files are all shared on one system. No matter where the patient receives treatment, his or her files can be accessed. It makes a more seamless transition for the patient and less work for you and your team.

Invest in the most up-to-date technology.

Technology in the dental industry is evolving at a rapid pace, especially with intraoral scanners quickly becoming popular in dental offices. Dentists who use scanners say they have more accurate reporting, faster seat times and in some cases, lower lab costs and higher turnaround time. Digital impressions also eliminate much of the discomfort that patients experience when receiving traditional impressions. Digital scanners also give your office a competitive edge over offices in the area who may not have advanced technology.

Use the internet to your advantage.

One of the greatest marketing tools is the internet. There’s no easier way to reach a vast majority of current and new patients than by going online. Websites allow patrons to have access to detailed information about the business. There should be basic information such as location and services offered, but consider including photos of the office or information about the dentists as well. Patients will be especially thankful if they are able to book appointments on your website. You should also create a Facebook page where you can share information about what’s going on in the dental industry as well as office culture, such as photos of your staff. Get creative!

To dive deeper into some of the newest technology hitting the market today, attend our upcoming webinar “Cost of Technology: Everyone Wants it, but Can You Afford It?” on Sept. 25. Heartland Dental-supported doctors will discuss our clinical technology and supplies vetting process, as well as how we determine what products will have the highest return on investment.

~Heartland Dental Team

This content is sponsored and does not necessarily reflect the views of ASDA.

Via Dental

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