Monday, November 26, 2018

ASDA’s Editorial Board shares what they are thankful for

As Thanksgiving break comes to an end and we transition back to school “cold turkey,” it is time to reflect on what we are thankful for this year. Whether it is for leftover stuffing and pecan pie or the gratitude of getting to spend time with close family and friends, ASDA’s Editorial Board would like to share with you what they are thankful for.

Lana Khazma, Texas A&M ’20, Electronic Editor

This year, there are so many things to be thankful for. As a third-year dental student now, I am thankful for all the new things I’ve learned so far in clinic. I am thankful for my dental school, which has made the past few years both stressful and enjoyable, and has truly lived up to the quote “pressure makes diamonds.” I am thankful for my ASDA family on the chapter, district and national levels. ASDA has enriched my dental school experience and given me opportunities that I did not know were possible. But above all, I am thankful for my supportive family and friends who have made everything I have accomplished possible.


Jeannie Binder, Texas-Houston ’21, Contributing Editor

As I’m approaching the midway point of my dental school career, I’m thankful for all the opportunities I’ve had to enrich my life beyond the walls of the dental school. In undergrad, I had a world literature professor who gave us some memorable advice that had been passed down to him by one of his own professors: “Glorify your lives.” When you have the opportunity to go to a concert, try a new hobby, meet up with friends or even just read a book, take it. Embrace the things that make you you, and actively seek out meaningful experiences.

For me, that means going to Houston Symphony concerts or opera performances to reconnect with my previous life as a musicologist. It means watching hours upon hours of “The Great British Baking Show” and attempting to make the perfect puff pastry. It means making it to the pool a few times a week and convincing myself that jumping in Lake Michigan at next year’s NLC is a good idea. And beyond this, I’m incredibly thankful for all the people I can share these experiences with. My family, the lifelong friends I’ve made in dental school and on the editorial board, and all of the readers I’ve been able to connect with — if only just virtually — through this position on the editorial board. Thank you to each and every one of you for glorifying my life.

Angela Walter, Temple ’20, Contributing Editor

I am most thankful for my incredible parents who have paved the way for me to take leaps and bounds in my career, in my relationships and in my spiritual walk with God. I am so thankful I not only get to call them my heroes but my best friends. I am thankful that I have learned how to persevere, have faith in the darkest moments, and always have true joy and laughter in the most adverse of circumstances. They have taught me how to be a champion, a friend and a woman of God. They taught me I could do anything because of the way they look at me. They believe in every dream I have, as if it is their own. I am eternally grateful to my daddy and my momma.

Alexandra Nash, Southern Illinois ’21, Contributing Editor

Among many blessings this year, I’m thankful for my fluffy companion, Gizmo the cat. Always greeting me when I come through the door, this feline friend makes the stresses of life melt away with his warm snuggles and soft purrs. Being only a couple years old, his playful spirit keeps me active and laughing, even when it’s dreary out. Here’s to all the loving pets out there, cats and dogs, who know how to turn a day around and make their owner feel special and loved.


Isabel Pennings, Creighton ’20, Contributing Editor

I am thankful for so many things, but especially for friends who feel like family. They say that friends are the family you choose, and I could not be more blessed to be surrounded by such fantastic people here in dental school. Thank you to my friends at Creighton Dental for making the past stressful years also some of the best! As always, I’m also thankful to be on the right side of the Thanksgiving meal. Sorry, ya turkeys.



Morgan Rebeck, Tennessee ’19, Contributing Editor

This year and every year, I am thankful for the support of my family and friends. I would not have gotten to where I am today without their encouragement, love and positivity. Knowing that I have a strong support system has allowed me to reach levels in leadership that I did not think would be possible and has allowed me to pursue dreams that I thought were unattainable. I am truly blessed and excited to be graduating in a few months!



David Danesh, Harvard ’20, Editor-in-Chief

I’m thankful for the family and friends who always support me. I am thankful for the friendships and experiences I have through ASDA, too. I love ASDA, and the friendships I’ve made have helped me get through dental school. Sometimes, the grind of dental school make me forgot how much I rely on people who care for me. Thanksgiving reminds me just how thankful I am for them, and inspires me to be just as thankful for the other 364 days of the year.



Vrinda Shah, Florida ’21, Electronic Editor

This year I am thankful for both old and growing relationships and experiences. Dental School has been a fun and challenging experience all in one, yet amongst all the craziness I am blessed with new opportunities like serving on this wonderful editorial board, making new friends at ASDA conferences, and starting my Latin dance journey through salsa and bachata. Each of these has helped me learn a little more about myself while travelling and making new friendships. Every day is a little different, and there is something new to learn. I couldn’t be more grateful for such opportunities and to be surrounded by the most caring friends, family, and colleagues.


And let’s not forget a big thank-you to you for your support in our publications, Contour magazine and this blog, Mouthing Off. We hope everyone had a relaxing break and are returning to school ready to hit the ground running.

Via Dental

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