Monday, July 12, 2021

Technologies—The future of dentistry

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Going to the dentist is considered as one of the traumatic childhood experiences anyone has ever had. While everyone knows it is absolutely necessary, most people would rather skip the part where they have to sit for hours with their mouths wide open. What’s even worse is the frightening sound that you hear while the dentist tinkers with your teeth. 

How can a dental professional change that? You have been through that. Admittedly, for at least once in your life, you can say that you dreaded going to the dentist, no matter how your mom convinced you it was necessary. The negative feeling was always there. Luckily, the kids of the future do not have to worry about any of these anymore. From the bluelight technology to what CRISPR can do, the revolutionized dental treatments will definitely change a child’s attitude towards dental care. 

What dental treatments should you consider investing in? Here are some of them:

Bluetooth/Smart Toothbrush

This technology changed the name of the game. The smart toothbrush has encouraged more people to take better care of their dental health. And how did it change the life of the dentist? It provided them with the opportunity to preach about dental healthcare and the importance of prevention. 

Augmented Reality (AR)

This technology is mostly used by social media apps including Snapchat. The filters that you enjoy while taking a groufie is a product of Augmented Reality. Such technology has been applied in the study of dentistry. Augmented Reality works hand-in-hand with a simulator that allows dentistry students to receive immediate feedback as they work on a mannequin as their patient. 

The immediate feedback allows the student to learn fast, improve their skill and perhaps provide a better way of dealing with their patients. After all, every good dentist should always have room for improvement and what better way to do it than to get immediate feedback before the worst happens.  

Virtual Reality (VR)

While this term is often confused with Augmented Reality, they refer to two different experiences. By simply putting on a headset, aspiring dental surgeons can find themselves inside an OR while comfortably seated on their couch. With a virtual reality camera, surgeons can share their expertise with students around the globe. The same technology can make the experience at the dental chair a little more calming. 

This technology does not only teach dentists a new set of skills, but it builds on empathy. The simulations allow them to experience what patients and other dental practitioners experience. It humbles them and makes them into better dental professionals. 


This is perhaps one of the best developments in the dental industry. Not only has it allowed people to gain access to the best dental practitioners, but it has allowed more people to become more aware of their dental needs. A dentist in Maidstone can easily provide cheaper preventive practices and provide the best dental care possible.


This is a process of genome editing gifted by Mother Nature herself. It may be the ultimate weapon that will help fight cancer and all its different forms. Several researches are dedicated to the possibility of the CRISPR technology in fighting off oral cancer. Other studies show how this method can be used to alter the makeup of the bacteria responsible for giving most patients their plaque problem. Endeavors as such will help in preventing periodontal disease. 

Regenerative dentistry

study by Harvard University released new information about how regenerative dentistry could allow patients to heal over time. While dentists know that aging can have its negative effect on patients, regenerative dentistry is a practice that allows dentists to help their patients even more. The process can help them stimulate the growth of stem cells that grow dentin, which then enables the regrowth of what used to be just damaged teeth. 

Computer-assisted design and 3D printing

This technology has revolutionized the dental sector by allowing dentists to create permanent fixtures to improve the patient’s dental health. It used to take weeks before dental crowns were completed, but with the CAD/CAM and 3D printing technology, dentists can provide their much-needed assistance at the shortest time possible with a little less risk on the side of the patient. 

Intra-oral camera

This technology makes it a little less uncomfortable to be at the dentist’s chair. The intra-oral cameras allow the dentist to get a full picture of the oral health status of the patient; thus, it is easier for them to make recommendations as to what can be done. The clear, well-detailed images leave no room for wondering. Not only does it provide patients with comfort, but it also puts the dentist at ease knowing what’s wrong and drawing a conclusion as to what else can be done. 

There is no doubt that dental visits are often the most terrifying. Every child sure looks forward to the ice cream treat that parents give them when they behave. And though it seems as if the torture is over, the dentist then comes to you and tells you to avoid eating your sweet treats and to brush your teeth regularly. 

With these advances in dental practice, no patient will ever have to suffer anymore. Dental professionals will be able to pursue their hearts’ desire and that means to provide nothing less than excellent service to their clientele. 

Via Dental

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